Sunday 15 January 2012

"I feel like I'm a guy" -Jenna

Again, Jenna takes the quote of the night. Though she didn't get much airtime through episode 2, she still managed to squeeze this one in. Trying to explain to Ben that she is not like the other girls in that she doesn't like drama, she blurted out that she feels more like a guy than a girl. Fantastic.                                                

The ladies were surprised when Ben revealed they would be spending the week in his hometown of Sonoma, CA. The first date card went to Kacie B, and she was treated to a night of Ben taking her around Sonoma. After visiting a candy shop, Kacie bought a baton and proceeded to teach Ben how to twirl it in the middle of the street. They then visited a theater which had a reel of childhood video from both Ben and Kacie. Kacie revealed she would be willing to move herself where she needed to go if it was for love. She of course received a rose (and a kiss) at the end of the date.

 Brittany, Rachel, Jennifer, Blakeley, Emily, Jenna, Shawn, Monica, Samantha, Jamie, Nicki, and Jaclyn are among the names on the group date card. On the date, the ladies are cast in a play written by children, having to audition for their part which included a gingerbread man, a weasel, a princess, and a hippie. It was a fairy tale story about a Prince (Ben), living in Bachelorville looking for his princess. It was a fun date, and you really got to see which ladies are good with kids, and which are good sports.

 It was on the latter part of this date when Blakeley really began to get under some skin. Samantha, in particular, could barely bring herself to be in the same room as her. Despite the disapproval of the other woman, Ben seemed to like Blakeley enough to give her the group date rose.

The final date went to Courtney, who has also become a bit of a pariah in the house. I must admit there's something a little unsettling about her, and have a hard time figuring out why Ben thinks she's too good to be true. Though, she does handle herself well in the house- and being able to hold your own in a house full of women (all pursuing the same man) says a lot about who you are.

Ben brought his dog Scotch along on this date- which ended with a tractor ride and an outdoor dinner. Courtney opened up about how her past relationships have left her with some trust issues, but now considers herself 'available'. The date ended with Ben giving Courtney the date rose, and wondering what the catch could be with this seemingly perfect woman.

At the cocktail party before the rose ceremony, the ladies had a hard time getting one-on-one time with Ben before getting interrupted by Blakeley. Tensions grew high in the house, with Ben eventually finding both Blakeley and Jenna crying in their rooms. In the end, it was Jenna and Shawn who were not offered roses, and sent home broken-hearted while the rest of the women get ready for their next adventure- San Francisco.

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